Sunday, February 24, 2008

80s girl pop (III)

Not a lot of time today, loved ones--just gonna quickly drop this nice little rollerskating groove by Princess Bumy Olajubu, another young female singer who shone for a couple of minutes in the mid-80s.

This track comes from Bumy's Leo Man album... Damn, I can't even remember when this joint dropped! I'm gonna take a stab and guess that it's 1984 or 85.* The album was produced by guitarist Eric Kol, who also does some vocalizing on this track.

Princess Bumy Olajubu - "Tell Me You've Come to Stay"

*My estimate is based largely on the John Player Special cap Bumy wears on the cover. The John Player cigarette brand blew up around that period due to its sponsorship of an annual, nationwide breakdancing competition between 1983 and (I think) 1985, and John Player paraphernalia became much coveted streetwear for a hot second.

John Player's popularity seemed to fade with the breakdancing fad, though "John Player's" lived on as a slang noun and verb for hustlers, ballers and tricksters of all kinds before the term "419" came into vogue.


  1. Not bad! I like the glockenspiel.

    I'm curious - you talk a bit about the fad for Breakdancing in Nigeria. Elsewhere, that's often been associated with more electro-synthy sounds. Do you know if there was any of that kind of stuff around at the time?

  2. hey Birdseed!

    yeah, there was plenty of electro/synth stuff in Nigeria in the 80s. you just don't hear as much of it because, i guess, a lot of fans of African music prefer "earthier" sounds.

    i should be posting more music in that vein in the near future, though.

    if you want to search for some stuff yourself, i can give you some titles, too.
