Saturday, August 09, 2008

My poor blog has been left to seed, hasn't it?

I gotta start posting again, yo...

Next week.


(Just wanted to let y'all know that I'm not dead)


  1. i had just begun to worry about you...All the best!!!
    Many greetings from Greece....

  2. We Missed you Uche ;) Reviens vite !!!

  3. yes please - been missing your musings and music - glad you are still in one piece and hope the distractions have been positive - chris a - s africa

  4. Been combing for you all over the earth (pardon the pun) :-) I know you are fine.


    Da Hurricane Man

  5. Was about ready to send a search party out for you homie

  6. Not dead, just lazy :)

  7. I was starting to wonder...been refreshing this page every other day

  8. been wondering where you were. Let's chat soon. Wanna here about your trip.

  9. Hi,
    Am new on the site just like to say the site is the best that i have been to(believe me when i say that cause i have been to most nigerian music site online)you cannot believe how many tracks i was able to download from the site(classics cause i only listen to nigerian classics),some tracks i've been searching for them for a very long time could not even get them when im in nigeria, and also like to say i appreciate your efforts in getting them cause i know how hard it is to get them ( i know what i go through to get the few that i have)once again thanks
