Saturday, March 08, 2008


Omoge in Yoruba translates roughly as "fine girl." It's a very urban word, resonating with style, swagger and even a bit of danger.

Mike Okri - "Omoge" (1989)

Dizzy K. - "Omoge" (1983)

I always kinda thought Mike Okri's song was a bit derivative of Dizzy K's, though Dizzy's was a side 2 album track and Mike's was a hit single that went on to become a modern classic. In fact, rising MC Sauce Kid made his name (and resurrected Okri) with a 2006 tribute to the record:

Just kinda wanted to say that because it's been on my mind for the past week. Otherwise, there's not much of a point to this post. Sorry.

(Thanks to Naija Jams for hooking me up with the high quality rip of the Mike Okri LP, by the way... I always only ever had really shitty mp3s of 2 or 3 songs.)

(Edit 3/9/08: That Dizzy K. mp3 I posted last night was a rather rough rip... I've cleaned it up now.)


  1. HI

    Could you post some full albums please


  2. hi jon -

    (i'm assuming this is not mixmess jon)

    i haven't been posting full albums lately for a few reasons:

    a) it takes a lot of time
    b) i'm still grappling with the ethical aspects of it
    c) with all the audio blogs out there, i feel that it's hard for readers to keep up with all the downloadable music out there... it can be overwhelming.

    i might go back to posting full albums at some point (possibly sooner than later) but for now, it'll most likely remain bite-size nuggets.

    thanks for reading, though!


  3. hi comb & razor,

    I understand and hope that moral aspect of the thing(matter),
    in spite of be do it like as before.

    In the meantime, I treat me with your magnificent albums
    Thank you to make us share all this knowledge.

    My greetings.

  4. Actually a friend of "Sauce Kid" to tell u the truth I love the idea of collabos with originators.

  5. yeah, i love such collabos myself... to some degree.

    you rarely see that happening on the Naija music scene, though, because there really isn't much sense of history? (have any of these kids heard of Jake Sollo or the Esbee Family? hell, people in my generation barely even remember them!)

    say what you will about the moral or artistic soundness of sampling old records in hip-hop--one thing it has engendered in the youth is a more interactive relationship with the history of music.

    (i know that it did so in me, anyway)

  6. Hello razor,pls can i get d complete chorus lyrics of omoge by mike okri?
