Found myself hankering for some country sounds, and since we all enjoyed the last Naija Sounds in Country & Western Music mix, I decided to throw together a sequel. Behold the track listing:
1. "Darling" - Felix Lebarty
2. "Angie" - Esbee Family
3. "It's Not Easy" - Emma Ogosi
4. "Bright Eyes" - Jonel Cross
5. "Show a Little Bit of Kindness" - Christy Essien-Igbokwe
6. "Sometime, Someday" - Al Jackson
7. "Be In Your Arms" - Poor Charley Akaa
8. "Dark as a Dungeon" - Gnonnas Pedro
(You'll notice that despite the established theme, I included one non-Nigerian artist; I had to sneak Gnonnas Pedro across the border from République du Bénin because I love his rendition of "Dark as a Dungeon" that damn much.)
DOWNLOAD Naija to Nashville
(EDIT: Okay... Let's see if this works now...)
Nice idea but doesn't work. At least not on my MacBook. Shame, really, since you post good material.
For real?
Hmmm... That's odd. Okay, let's wait and see if anybody else is having this problem...
Did you right-click on it?
I use a Mac and had no trouble: Control + click and "Save Link As..."
(And thank you for this ... that first mix was awesome!)
Yeah... Last week someone else on a MacBook said that he had trouble when he clicked on the links. I told him to right-click and then it was okay.
(It's weird, because I'm on a MacBook myself.)
where is the image to click on ?
i dont see any image
Wow... A lot of folks are having trouble with this, huh?
I'll edit it...
(So ends my noble experiment with image-embedded links.... *sigh*)
It didn't work with Safari, but it did with Firefox (once I disabled the JavaScript). Nothing was going to keep me from these gems. Your generous spirit and exquisite taste are a thing to behold. Many thanks.
You're welcome, Gil!
But I'm pretty concerned with this not-working in-Safari-deal...
I'm on Firefox myself right now... Perhaps I should switch to Safari and see what happens...
Thanks for bringing that particular wrinkle to my attention.
Works like a dream now. Great music!! As always on your site...
Ahhh... That's a relief!
A bit behind the party here...
Really enjoyed the first Naija installment, so I'm looking forward to this. Thanks.
Hope you dig it, Joe... I'll admit that somehow I don't think it's as strong as the first one, but the third installment will probably make up for it!
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